Tag Archives: Christopher Nolan

First Full Trailer for INTERSTELLAR!!!

Happy Friday everyone! To celebrate, lets ponder the fate of the human race! YAY!!!

The first full trailer for Christopher Nolan’s new movie Interstellar is out, check it out below! We had seen a teaser trailer a bit ago, and as usual with his movies details are kept very tight and very secret (even IMDB says the plot is unknown). We heard some things that it was going to involve surpassing mankinds limitations on space travel, and some others were saying maybe it was going to revolve around corn somehow. But we now know from the trailer that this movie will deal with the fact that humans are running out of food. We don’t need scientists, or engineers, we need food. And we have to think beyond surviving as a family, or as a country, we have to think of surviving as an entire species. And we must search for survival options for our species beyond our solar system by making use of (ahem) Interstellar travel. Check out the trailer –

This movie sounds amazing in every way. I love the concept and the “big picture” thinking that Christopher Nolan always brings to the table,. Plus the ideas behind this movie are very real, and very relevant. I would be excited for this to be any Christopher Nolan movie, but the fact that its also a space travel movie just excites the nerd in me even more. I am hoping that the movie doesn’t go too far off on that tangent however, we have seen movies built around great ideas and concepts that just took a massive turn for the worse (Prometheus I’m looking at you buddy – you can listen to our review of that piece of crap here). But if anyone can hold this type of movie together its Christopher Nolan. He has a fantastic ability to build movies around these huge concepts and keep it there, front and center, through the whole movie.

Let us know what you think about the trailer below in the comments! And check the podcast this week to hear Paul and I discuss this trailer on this weeks show where we will be reviewing Godzilla!

Interstellar, with all its impressive cast – Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, William Devane, Topher Grace, Wes Bentley, Casey Affleck, and of course, Michael Caine, opens November 7th, 2014.


First Picture of Ben Affleck as BATMAN!!!

First picture showing Ben Affleck as BATMAN!!! AND IT’S AWESOME!!!



Here it is folks, the moment we have been waiting for!!! The first picture of Ben Affleck as Batman, for the upcoming Zack Snyder directed Batman Vs. Superman (unofficial title), the follow up to Snyder’s 2013 Superman film, Man of Steel. It looks like the kind of went with the Frank Miller – Dark Knight version of the suit, which I think was a great choice, and really their only choice. The original batman movies had a standard type suit, then the suits just got crazier and crazier with 1995 Batman Forever and the 1997 Batman and Robin. Then Christopher Nolan had his turn across three movies and gave the suit a background and a reason for existing, being of military origin. And I think most people liked that take on the suit, but you couldn’t do the bulky-armor-type-suit again, so your only option is to strip it down completely. Don’t get me wrong however, I freaking love it. It looks completely bad ass. The stubby ears, and giant Batman symbol look awesome. It looks textured as well, like they did with the Spiderman and Superman costumes to give them a better visual depth. Not sure if it’s just the picture but it does look a bit stiff, like he might have problems moving his head around. You think after all these years they would be able to make a material for Batman’s mask that allows him to look to the left… guess not. Aside from the suit, no complaints about how Ben Affleck actually looks in the suit. But then again, I think for Batman it’s more about how you act, move, and sound in the suit. While I know there was a reason for Christian Bale’s dark, gritty, and modified voice, I couldn’t help but find it distracting through a lot of the parts in those movies. So we shall wait to see actual footage of Affleck to see how he holds up.

Also, the new Batmobile looks pretty cool. It almost looks like a combination of the old Michael Keaton Batmobile and the new Tumbler in the Christopher Nolan trilogy. I was never a fan of the new Tumbler I just thought it wasn’t very practical and nimble feeling. But this new one looks like it’s got the best of both, so I am definitely happy to see that. Sound off in the comments and let us know what you think. Is the suit better than Christian Bales Batsuit? Not as good as Adam Wests Batsuit? Let us know!

Speaking of Batman – you can check our our review of The Dark Knight Rises here.

Episode 12/14/13

Strap in for a CR episode nearly as long as the movie we reviewed, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug!  Smaug Smaug Smaug Smaug Smaug Cinema Recon! (0:14:00)

In the news… (0:57:00)

  • Paul Walker’s brother may fill in for remaining Fast & Furious film
  • Terminator: Genesis has found its Sarah Connor!
  • Ed Helms to star in a Naked Gun reboot?!
  • Chris Nolan’s next film, Interstellar, gets a trailer!
  • Venom and Sinister Six films announced!
  • Godzilla has a trailer! (roar)

Listen Below:

Download Here (by right clicking, then “save as”):  CR: Episode 12/14/13

First Trailer for MAN OF STEEL!!!

First off, in case you live under a rock, or you like Justin Bieber, you probably don’t know that Man of Steel is a moniker for Superman. So lets just go ahead and clear that up right away. Got it? Man Of Steel = Superman. OK? Check.

ANYWAYS… The first trailer is up for Man Of Steel, the new re-boot-imagining of the Superman franchise, directed by Zack Snyder, and produced by none other than the main man himself, Christopher Nolan, because… gritty. We saw a teaser trailer a couple weeks ago and I thought it looked freaking awesome. As much of a cliche it is these days, it really did seem like a “real” and “serious” telling of the Superman origin and story. The first trailer below gives us a bit more of a look into that world. And I don’t know why, but it brings down my expectations just slightly.

Maybe it is just because I am still pissed off that I wasted my time with that horrible Spiderman re-boot, but to me I kind of get the feeling (again) of “didn’t I just see this?” But other than that, the way they are presenting the film looks entirely different and I can get on board with that. The special effects look pretty bad ass, however if you listen to the show at all you know that I am not a huge proponent of mass quantities of CGI, so I really hope they don’t over do it (Suckerpunch I am looking at you), but they will. Guaranteed. Also, is it just me, or did the part where  Superman is shirtless and walking through fire look like horribly bad CGI? I’m talking like The Darkest Hour bad… ouch.

Michael Shannon definitely looks the part of a pretty ruthless General Zod, but we don’t really get to see much of him here, so I’ll wait for the second trailer to pass judgement on him. And judgement I will pass!

I do like how you can see the physical representation of Superman’s powers, in the scene where he is getting ready to take off, and slamming into the bank vault causing a huge dent, rather than just see him using his powers to fly really fast or laser-beam-eye a Hot Pocket. However, I think there is definitely room for this movie to take a turn for the worse. If you look at Snyder’s track record, its pretty much a shot in the dark. Not that he has made the worst movies really, but still… for every Dawn of the Dead, you have a Suckerpunch. For every Watchmen you have Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole. Then there is 300, which a lot of people kind of thought was over the top, but I thought was pretty unique and bad ass for what it was. So, I am not saying that the new Superman movie is going to have cartoon owls, or giant Blue Man Group dudes walking around with their junk swingin’ in your face either. But hopefully we can get a real character driven Superman movie that uses CGI to enhance the story instead of tell it. By the way, anyone else notice that Clark wasn’t wearing any glasses? Hmm, must have gotten Lasik. Would they need a Kryptonite laser for that? Just curious…

Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill, Amy AdamsRussell Crowe, and Michael Shannon and is scheduled to take off (get it?) June 14th 2013. Let us know what you think of the trailer in the comments! Especially the cheesy, “Me Clark, me walk through FIRE!” part.


Episode 07/21/12

Today on the show, we learn the “untold story” of a story that has been told 3 times in the past 10 years … it’s the Cinema Recon review of The Amazing Spider-Man!  (0:11:15)

Also, Christopher Nolan has finished his epic Batman trilogy, and all the shark-repellent-bat-spray in the world couldn’t keep us away!  It’s the Cinema Recon review of The Dark Knight Rises!  (1:01:30)

In the news… (1:57:50)

  • Cinema Recon would like to give its deepest condolences to the victims of and those affected by the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
  • Paul and Jake discuss Comic Con 2012
  • Thomas Jane creates his own Punisher short
  • Breck Eisner confirmed to direct Stretch Armstrong


Listen Below:

Download Here (by right clicking, then “save as”):  CR: Episode 07/21/12

Holy sectional-compartmentalized-military-outfit Batman!

Where is it written that sequels have to be bigger in scope and more intricate than their predecessor? I really don’t get it. I mean we see it everywhere. Classic examples, Spiderman 3 or Transformers: Dark Side of The Moon… I mean come on… REALLY!? But what I don’t get even more, is why the costume has to also follow suit (no pun intended… OK, it was kind of intended) and get increasingly more complicated and larger in scope and more… uhhh, patch-ier?

Case in point is the most recent Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy. I recently saw the cover of Entertainment Weekly where Batman (Christian Bale) and Catwoman (who cares, its Catwoman) are featured front and center on the cover in their cosutmes from The Dark Knight Rises. I mean after all, it’s their Summer Movie Preview Issue! But what I cant get over is the over-complication of the Batsuit! I understand that this take on Batman is supposed to be grounded in reality as much as possible. And that the Batsuit is an adaptation of military clothing and armor. And that its supposed to provide functionality while still maintaining protection… but come on!!! Why do they feel the constant need to evolve the Batsuit into something way more than it needs to be!? We all remember seeing George Clooney and thinking… “Ummm, why the fuck does the Batsuit have nipples?” I understand the concept behind its look and development, but I personally feel they went a bit over the top here. I think it gets to a point where they begin to over-complicate things and it starts to distract from the character.

I am sure it wont be that bad or really noticeable at all when we see it on the big screen. I mean after all how often will you see Batman just standing still in broad day light? Usually it’s quick cut action scenes in the cover of darkness so there probably wont be time to analyze all the Kevlar patch locations. But I’ll still know they’re there. Like bedbugs in a cheap hotel – You cant see ’em but you know they’re there… just waiting to ruin your hotel experience… the bedbugs, not Batman.

Just add water!

The Dark Knight Rises is set to open in the U.S. July 20th, 2012. And you bet we will be front and center Kevlar patches and all.

The Dark Knight Advertises!

Unless you have been living under a rock, which happens to be under an even larger, more socially inhibiting rock, you should know that the internet is abuzz today with the release of the full The Dark Knight Rises Trailer.  I feel it is a good idea…nay, my duty to post the trailer here for your viewing pleasure on Cinema Recon (The trailer is hosted on Apple and I found it embedded on Trailer Addict):


On the upcoming show, you will hear Jake and I discuss the 6 minute preview we saw prior to the IMAX screening of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. In my humble-yet-often-more-correct-than-Jake opinion, this new trailer is much more exciting than what we saw Thursday night.  Here, we don’t have to deal with Bane’s grainy voice and we see a lot more of the overall film (plus that football stadium scene…yowsers).

I for one am far more excited than I used to be for this movie.  The “behind the scenes” leaks were killing my anticipation, but now that the film has wrapped, I can just sit back and enjoy the trailers and viral marketing!

What did you think?